Laois Community Choir debut performance
Thursday 18 July at 7pm
in new outdoor performance space on the grounds of Laois Music Centre

Laois Community Choir delivered by Music Generation Laois in partnership with Age Friendly Laois, LOETB Community Education and Portlaoise Family Resource Centre to have debut performance on Thursday 18 July at 7pm, in new outdoor performance space on the grounds of Laois Music Centre
Free Admission, All Welcome, no advance booking required.
A new Community Choir initiative began with a pilot phase in May and is running weekly in both Laois Music Centre and Portlaoise Family Resource Centre, under the direction of Nuala Kelly and a team of musicians from Music Generation Laois. The response has been amazing, with over 160 members “rocking” up and singing their hearts out from the very first session. The choir quickly reached capacity with a broad range of ages and a diverse cross-section of the community taking part.
The pilot phase of the Laois Community Choir will culminate in a performance at the brand new outdoor performance space, on the grounds of Laois Music Centre in the Old Fort Cultural Quarter. The Community Choir look forward to sharing the joy of singing with an audience at their big debut with Nuala Kelly noting “We are blown away by the response and didn’t anticipate such large numbers, it’s wonderful. The atmosphere is amazing, there’s a real sense of community – people just want to sing.”
Laois Community Choir is a joint initiative delivered by Age Friendly Laois of Laois County Council, LOETB Community Education, Music Generation Laois and Portlaoise Family Resource Centre.